Friday 27 March 2015

28th March
assalamualaikum..mornng to was your day??

i just woke up this morning n got a message from my lecturer..
" thank you for sharing info on hydrosphere n need your reflection on this week activity"

sharing info on hydrosphere?? why so suddenly?? yesssss.......
i do update a lot of info regarding hydrosphere this week..even though we have not cover this topic yet. this is part of our activities for flippclassroom task.. we are going to share this info with other course mate as the preparation before entering the class.
im going to promote my own blog..oyeaaaahhhhhhh
there are lot more things we did for this task..but i cant show it now..secret??haha

so back to the topic, regarding to my reflective journal for this week..
we dont have class on Monday for this week.
basically, we have only two hours  eco-class this week

we do discuss about our big project for this semester which is POBL
on topic LIFE WITHOUT MICORBES.. the carry mark for this SCL is 20..
yes, it lots bcoz we going to make this really BIGGGGG..
i hope there will be great cooperation from all microbes students
we create all the AJKs for this event..all students have to get involve..

actually im really worried n nervous..
are we going to be okay??is this really okay??
this is though,,really though..
n it is not only about cooperation , it about time consuming.
we need to sacrifice a lot of time that actually we our-self  don't have
i just hope everyone get involve n finish it as soon as possible.
we do have a best team work  n let have faith with them..

then we proceed with our lecture on topic 5
is all about the interaction..
either mutualism, commensalim, cooperation n lot more
we have not finish this topic yet, n we are going to continue on this Monday
ohh yaa.. we are asked to find some related journal, videos or anything that related to the interaction in microorganism in the class before. they do share alot of infos.

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