Saturday 4 April 2015

5th April 2015, Sunday, week 6th

hello people,,so we met again this week..
it was the end of week 6th means that we are done with our 1st test dilemma too,,hehehe
i do reward myself by go watching Fast and Furious 7..seriously it was really fascinating.
i also sleep for 13 hours straight on the next day. it was a tough semester after all..hahaha
for almost everyday since the 1st week, we just get 4 hours sleep per day..
all the assignments and the lab reports. what the hectic life kn,hahaha

lets make it simple n short. this week we have lectures on two topic which is

for microbial interaction topic, we do have to search for any related articles or videos regarding any interaction that we find interesting.we do upload it in the padlet..this activity is quite challenging actually, because we need to any find related article in short time and for student like me who does not have smartphone, it really tough to online except i have to bring my own laptop for every eco class,thank to my friend nur aqilah, she really nice for landing her phone to me.. later or soon i need to buy my own smartphone..

then we proceed our 2nd topic on the soil, This topic is actually part of SCL project which is flipclassroom, This topic was handle by group 4. They have prepared a nice and complete mind map for the whole classroom. Dr also give brief explanation about this topic. We also leave a comment for this presentation. I do love this activity because student feel free to share new tools that they find interesting.

click here to follow the full lesson.

This is the full mind map for topic soil

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