Thursday 12 March 2015

13th March 2015, friday

we have replacement class today. 8-10 am.. Kesimpulannya,,, we make a new record this time, we have 5days straight morning class this week.. hahaha. Sabar jelaa.. hehe

Okew we continue with lectures on Microbial Group. Other than that we need to upload quizlet test that we did on Metabolism and Nutrition topic in the lms and also Blandspace so that everyone can share it.

This is the example of my quizlet test question.
click here to see other quizlet too..

after finish with Microbial Group topic, we proceed with new topic, METABOLISM AND NUTRITION. just a quick review actually. I realized that we have lack of deep thinking.. DEEP THINKING?? i do felt down sometime bcoz of this, yeahh Dr was right, in order to know about a lot of things we need to be more curious.. CURIOSITY?? That word again..huhu.. most of us did score well bcoz we really focus on note and exam but if we were ask about something out from the note,, thennnnnn..hahaaaa we lost...really really lost. macam mana tue??

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