Wednesday 4 March 2015

Assalamualaikum, hello gorgeous and what’s up handsome.. J

First of all welcome to my blog. Actually this is my first experience to create my own blog. Usually I just love to scroll and read other blogs about healthy life style, traditional beauty tips and fashion, of course as lady I really take care about my appearance, hehe. However, I’m not going to share about all this beauty stories throughout this blog but I got something that more interesting, more fascinating, more enjoyable. Excited??
           It something that we can’t see by naked eye, something that we can’t be far apart, something that always there in our body, our cloth and of course in our environment. Can you imagine what is it? Try to spell this out, M.I.C.R.O.O.R.G.A.N.I.S.M... Yes that right, microorganism or we can just call it microbes. Small organism that cannot be seen by naked eye, we can only observe it under microscope. The people whose study and work in this field, we call them as M.I.C.R.O.B.I.O.L.O.G.I.S.T.. so am I, microbiologist to be. Hehe pray the best for me and my friends okay.

             Before we start into more deep and serious topic let me introduce myself. My name is Shakinah Shakiren, can just call me kina or shak. I’m second year student from UPM, major in microbiology course in Biotechnology Faculty, still got 4 more semester to finish my degree. Huhh. Throughout this blog I’m going to share about my experiences, feelings, thoughts, opinion and feedback taking ecology of microbes class this semester. It like my own diary. I hope you enjoy JJ

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