Thursday 19 March 2015

20th March 2015
week 4

I'm nearly forgot to update my blog this week. I guess maybe coz Im too tired with all the lab reports and first test is just around the corner..huhuhu

so basically what have we done this week??on Monday we only have lecture on topic 4, DISTRIBUTION OF MICROORGANISM . It quit rushing day, we need to finish the lectures faster because it going to come out in our first test this Thursday. We do some crossword as assignment and we submit the picture to the edmodo.

crossword on nutrition topic

apart than that, we do quick revision on the topics that going to come out in the first test. This first test carry mark is only 10 but its going to cover all four topics that we have studied. everyone was very nervous and seriously the questions is quit challenging. this is our second time to have Dr Wan as our lecturer. Last time Dr question was like simple one but yesterday most of us got shocked with those kind of question.hihihi.. let bygone, bygone right,,hhehhe

I think that all for this week. Till we meet again, byee

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