Wednesday 11 March 2015

im my 3rd weeks of lectures..huhhh..fuuhhh.. it was really tiring. "Uni life" kan.. can't do nothing. lets just face it. :)


Before entering ecology class on monday we were ask to read first on microbial group topic and do summarize it in simple way and upload those mind map in lms. However, instead of doing  mind map, most of us did search for video related to the topic in youtube. It much more easier and really fascinating too. They did found a really interesting video and share it with the rest of class members through blendspace. I think it was a good idea to upload those mind map and video bcoz we can share a lot of info and i do upload some note from other friends. seriously they really did a good job. They do include a lot of information. Im really curious about their curiosity okay,,hahaha
As you can see, it my mind map and note.
We do share it in blendspace.

then in the class we were ask to summarized our understanding and memorizing into another mind map but for a group work. This time we use popplet tool. No one can refer to the note, so it quite challenging actually. We divide evenly so that everyone each part of the topic. Once again we upload those mind map group at Blendspace, so we can refer to any other groups mind map too. Sharing is caring kan..

                                                            click here to clear image

See, every group submit their mind map in Blendspace. click here

Like always, we need to prepare first before entering the class on Thursday. The topic that we are going to discuss tomorrow is microbial nutrition and metabolism. I heard that this will come out during our first test. I hope that metabolism part not going to come out this time coz it really  need a lot of reading and memorizing,hehehe.. we might be ask to do quizlet during the class tomorrow. Most of my friends do sleep late tonight. It already near to 1.00 am but they still focus. tomorrow will be individual task and everyone was worried what going to happen tomorrow. And im'ma here update my blog.. cannot digest any note dah,,hahaha..okew night everyone. sleep tight. tomorrow 4 hour class straight okeyy..bubyee

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