Wednesday 4 March 2015


1'st & 2nd WEEK:

         The first topic of this course is basically bout introduction to ecology, definition of word E.C.O.L.O.G.Y. the principle behind it, all the hierarchy and all factors that effects the distribution of organism in our ecosystem.

         For your information, my lecturer for this class is someone that so energetic and she really expert in all this new technologies, new software and latest learning tools that will make the lecture and class become more interesting and fun.

        The first thing that we have to do in our first class was to find an article that we find might be related to the Principle of microbial ecology. At first everyone were so confuse, seriously because no one is prepare for this, we not even know what ecology is all about. First assignment on the first day of the class but thank God, Dr. gave us a few days to fulfill this task. After upload it in Edmodo we need to read comment on other articles too. Everyone got nervous bcoz they not sure either they gave the right article or not. Me, myself have to read a lot of articles just to find the suitable one. Alhamdulillah after two days of searching I finally get something to share.
This is my first article that I found related to my task.
                                CLICK HERE TO VIEW FULL TEXT

My comment regarding to friend article.

          On the following week, we sat in our group to find the most interesting article that had been uploaded and list out the principles to the Padlet. Each group gave short briefing about their article and Dr. gave comment for each group. It was a good exercising actually. This bcoz instead of find and article we learn how to suck out all the important points. Even though we have been expose to a lot of articles before this but we are still having problem to understand certain texts.
We choose the article that we find interesting and suck all important points regarding to the principle of ecology.

       Basically, it quite though task for us, but I sure everyone had give their 110% effort. so GOOD JOB GUYS..on the last lecture of this topic, we were ask to summarize the topic by group. Once again we use Padlet. Honestly, I think this is the best part of all of the activities. I don't why but I love to sit together and try to recall back what we have learn for this 2 previous week without even try to look at any notes or try to Google it. It help us to analyse about our understanding and knowledge. I love to do this kind of activity in the next topic too. Tq Dr.

As u can see, this our summarize.
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