Sunday 22 November 2015


On 19-20th November 2015, from Thursday to Friday, we Microbiology's students from UPM has held an event which was Awesome Microbes Carnival (AMC) at Panggung Percubaan UPM. Basically this event was the first big event that our faculty has ever organised, so a bunch of congratulation to all the microbes communities members, all students from first till final year, all lecturers especially Dr Wan and also staffs. I could never expect that event going to run that smoothly. all the activities were so exciting and enjoyable. The flow of the event was organised smoothly, a lots of thank to our seniors. they do spend a lot of time to prepare for this event. tq seniors.

For us, 3rd year students we were ask to be the AJK's of this events and we also need to open a food booth to promote a food product that related with microbes. Actually final year students also need to sell their food products. Throughout this event, the only thing that i realize is that, how much is our seniors were actually had sacrifice their time and energy to make this event run smoothly. Dr Wan can you please say thank you so much on behalf of us. 



huhuhuhu.. and for the juniors. there are lots of things to be discuss. it not like a bias but i do think that our bonding as one big family is still not that strong. the main reason that I brought about this point is that, from what we see they only care about their tasks only. However they did a great job on the second day even though they simply going back to the college while us busying clean the hall.. hehehe.. nampak tak marahnya kat situ, takpelah it was their first time kan :)

overall, the event was run smoothly Dr Wan. The most important thing is that all of us enjoyed.
We do realized, this event is actually give others information about what is microbes and how they actually involve in our daily life. In class, of course we have all this sort of SCL and assignments, but this event allows us to share with public about what we already know. one thing that make me proud is that, they happy and they appreciate it. Selalu kita  present dalam kelas orang akan tanya soalan susah2 and kite rase down bile xdapat jawab, tapi bila jumpa  orang kat luar camni kite share info yang simple2 je, pasal ebole virus, pasal rabies, pasal how to apply good hygiene and they were like, wow genius nye akak2 ang abg2 nie,hahahaha..okew that all for today.. tq dr wan.

sorry Dr Wan, my reflecitve journal guna bahasa rojak sangat kali ni, but this is how i feel. excited and proud with my family :) :) :)

Saturday 23 May 2015

assalamualaikum. This is week 12 reflective journal..

monday 18th May 2015:

Woww, everyone are really nervous for the POBL event
as it going to be our big big BIGGGGGGGGG event for this semester
of course we going to give our 110% effort for it but we really hope everything
run smoothly and the most important thing, the students invited are happy with the
activities and event

i really dont remember what happen in our eco class on monday,
as i got fever on that day, actually maybe due to the not enough sleep
(we got no sleep at all for the whole 2 days just to finish up the video)
alhamdulillah, we made it,,

tuesday 19th May 2015:

We have rehearsal on that day, starting from 5 till 7pm..
this is our first rehearsal, look like many things to be done,
even for the activities we need to add one more game which is word search.
but yaa, i can say that everyone is really give their best for this event.

wednesday 20th May 2015:

we have food test today!! huhu,, the last paper for this 2nd test.
we are really excited becoz we are too tired already with
all the tests and assignments that be run simultaneously
after the test we can now ONLY focus for the POBL,,OYEAHHHH!!
on that night we sleep at 4am just to prepare the new game which is word search
it was great bcoz everyone lend their hand for help us

thursday 21st May 2015:

okey,,eco class was cancel for today..
we have our last rehearsal on this afternoon
huhuuu,, ( sebenarnya i was really nervous, takot, kabut bagai)
aduyaiiii,, clueless,,

friday 22nd May 2015:

IT IS TODAYYYYYY, the day is todayyyyy,,
wow, the student arrive really earlier, they were really punctual, i like that
but the pint is here,,we still not hang our posterrrrr!!!
huhhh,, thank to all microbe student, they really greatt n awesome
thank dr Wan, bcoz u are really sporting..
huhhh,, alhamdulillah in just 15mins, we ready for the exhibition openingggg!!

huhuhuuuhu,,i wrote to much and i just realize it..
so my last reflection bout this pobl event is:

1. the student from SMK ... PUTERI, they are realllyyyy sportingg,,
dr WAN could u please say a big of thank for the student  and both teachers
they supported all our activities and games..

2. for our classmates, i can say that, they really sporting
especially the fasi, evendo it was a sudden plan but they
really help us to arrange the students according to group
i should thank them for that.

3. MC and all the AJK did really well.
i just want to say sorry to you dr Wan bcoz the games session it quit chaos
yet, thank to all of them whole lend hand to help us

4. i think this event could be legacy for eco-class in future..
it was really great n good to expose them with microbe life
but it should be held for the whole day so that every games n activities can be run smoothly,

other than that,,thank u dr Wan, we love u n ur spirit,, :)

Saturday 16 May 2015

week 11th:

Salam Satu Malaysia, Salam POBL semua,,
okew basically this week we just have a usual eco class..
thank dr wan coz understand us,,yupp it was hectic week last time,,
but alhamdulillah we made it,,hehe,
still have last paper on this wednesday,

okew before monday class, we were ask to do flip classroom activities from group FOOD SPOILAGE..
time by time i just realize how great my classmates are..
they really prepare a great quality of video..i just realize how great they are,
it really simple and the content was there..

then, on wednesday, we proceed with WATER SPOILAGE,
the thing i like the most about this presentation is that quiz part,
they do prepared a good questions for us,

okey lastly on friday,we have 2hours class,
we did few exercise actually, crossword, quizzes,discuss on POBL.
dr Wan thank you for your toleration,i know u dont want to pressure us with more assignment
due to our continuous epic weeks,,

POBL,our big program for this sem is comming soon,
huhu i cant wait for it,
i hope our efforts will give a success,

Saturday 9 May 2015

haiii everyone
so today 10th may 2015, it my mom birthday..huhuhu
so we are now at week 10th..4 weeks to go..n i cant even handle it anymore..
sob sob sob...

this week was a really hectic day,either weekdays or the weekend.
we got few tests, a lot of assignments and ofcoz two set of lab reports to be submitted.
every single day it feeling like crying.

on monday we have eco-class like usual, we finish on topic human microbiome
dr explain in detail and i can say that i love this topic the most. hehe. it so interesting
i would like to thank to you dr coz u give us scope for this 2nd test.
for me the objective it quite though but alhamdulillah at least we manage to answer it
we got eco test on friday..i do sleep only hours that night,i just worried
 n cannot stop memorizing the note.
after the test, every single thing become worsen, i think this happen to all of us.

on thusrday, right after the lunch hour, we from group 3 start to gather in maisara room to
finish our POBL project
*10mins video
*1min video
*new paper
*POBL AJK aktivity
*interview expert~~on that time we still looking for someone( we feel really down)

we call about 10 lecturers yet no one give a good response, yet one of them torture us..
hahaha,,at that time, it feel really heat broken, but ofcoz this is one of the process learning,
thnk coz i got them us my team members.

we have meeting and do work straight from afternoon until tomorrow "subuh"
just imagine how tired it is.. some of them fall a sleep on floor, some of them talk in sleep
what a hectic weekend right,hahaha,,but to be honest i enjoy it bcoz....
even though we tired but we manage to????
*10mins video-80%
*1min video-DONE
*new paper-DONE( we spend another 4 hours on the next morning)
*POBL AJK aktivity-everything have been decide we just wait for the props

on saturday afternoon we proceed wth the lab report microbes, alhamdulliah we almost finish on
that night, the only part leave is discussion,,we do it fast this because we gather and do together,
but,,, on the same night we got whatsapps telling us that we need to submit lab enzyme by this week
coz it going to come out on 2nd test.
can u figure it out??im sure everyone got too little sleep,
me myself only got 2 or 3 hours of sleep for this whole week

the moral of the story: heehhe dr wan let say we blur blur in eco class this week
can u just let it be like that, i dont think we can focus in class in this situation
but we promise will give full commitment  aftr the tests.
please pray for us
#prayforus #prayformicrobes"zombies" hahahaha

Monday 27 April 2015

28th March 2015

For this week, we only have an hour class with Dr Wan. The class on Thursday and Friday were cancel because Dr will not be around.

Lets make it short and simple. Yesterday we discuss more deeper on topic human microbiome.
We do not do any other activities but we just focus on finishing this topic.
even though it was just an hour class but I love it. We do study slide by slide and it help me to
relate the connection between this topic and the topic that I have learn in Bacteriology class,

We are going to do some exercise on this Thursday. Dr Wan will give us crossword on this topic.
so here I share a video on human microbiome topic,lets enjoy.
click here to view the video on human microbiome

The Human Microbiome

Saturday 25 April 2015

26th April 2015.. week 8th

hye guys, we meet again after mid-sem break,,
it such a great holidays for me, being home is the best moments after all,,hehee

okay we don't have class on Monday, we do replaced it last time.
we only have class on Thursday and Friday,,

on Wednesday night, we do some revision for topic atmospheric habitat 
before entering class on the next day. Group 7 who did flip-classroom on this topic
have done a really great presentation for us. they provide video via youtube
by using powertoon tools. that was really great, it simple yet we do understand each 
point that the want to delivered. they provide a mind map and some quizzes,
seriously they deserve a big applause for their great efforts. on Thursday we do some
revision regarding this topic with Dr wan

                                                                          the quizzes 

                                                                       the mindmap

then on Friday, we proceed with another topic which is human microbes
some goes with topic, we do studied and revised on this topic before entering the next class
Group Siva did great jobs in their presentation, they include everything, video on youtube, 
mind map in popplet, then some online quizzes. They also provide AR on this 
human microbiome topic. it really helpful for better understanding.
                                                                  video on you tube

click here to answer the quizzes

we submit the quizzes in LMS

Then last but not least, about our thinglink.
i do love this activity, because it not required too much time to do it.
we can freely choose any habitat or place that we find out interesting
and i choose OUR HOME SINKS.. WHY??
 ya, it rare but sink is one of the most important part in our home,
we do clean and wash our hand regularly in sink, 
so i love to share what is actually present in those sink
do visit my thinglink site to find put more,
that all for this week..thank you

                                         microbes that might present in our home sinks

Friday 10 April 2015

9th April 2015 week 7..Thursday

oyeahhh tomorrow is the last class before midsem break,,
so excited,,hehehe,,
we really have this whole week,maybe the spirit of being home is there,hahaha

okew,,orait,,what we did on last monday??
we proceed with lecture of soil.. doctor give a lot explanation regarding this topic
what i found interesting about this topic is that,it actually related with all the topics that we have learned in class before. however in this lecturer, they more specific for soil habitat and interaction between microbe that inhabit this area.

so proceed with today lecture (Thursday).
today we learned about hydrosphere topic which is my group presentation SCL
we provide a crossword before entering the class
quizlet, animation video and also thinklink note.
we include everything and im proud with all my group member
and what im proud the most, most of us did some revision before entering the class
mission completed..hehe

actually on tuesday, we shoot our POBL in Malacca and PD
IT WAS REALLY OSEMMMM,, i can wait to edit all the videos

10th April 2015.. Friday
we have replacement class this morning,
we proceed with hydrosphere topic
doctor wan prepare 3 question for us
it was good actually, we can test our knowledge for this topic

Thursday 9 April 2015

If you dropped a piece of fruit in your kitchen sink while rinsing it, would you think twice about popping it in your mouth? What if you dropped it in the toilet?If you were to ask someone what object in the bathroom is the most contaminated with bacteria and mould, the answer you would receive is probably “the toilet seat”, however a recent study, undertaken by BioCote, shows that bacteria don’t always thrive in the places we would expect.

Dirty Places: The Kitchen Sink

Although the mere thought of retrieving anything from your toilet bowl may be enough to make you sick, your toilet may be cleaner than your kitchen sink, says Eileen Abruzzo, director of infection control at Long Island College Hospital of Brooklyn, New York. Food particles from plates left to soak or rinsed from dishes on their way to the dishwasher can serve as a breeding ground for illness-causing bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella. They can get on your hands or spread to foods.

Although most people take steps to disinfect their toilet bowls, few give their kitchen sink the same consideration, Abruzzo tells WebMD. “They rinse their sinks with water and assume they are clean -- but they’re not.”

lets find out microbes in each part of our toilet


Our microbiology experts took multiple samples from objects and surfaces in a public disabled toilet and tested them for levels of bacteria and mould.
Most people would assume that the toilet seat would be right at the top of the list for high levels of contamination but the level of bacteria found on it was equal to that found on the hand rail and the tap. Topping the list was the sink itself which showed more than 50,000 Colony Forming Units (CFUs).
Dr Richard Hastings, technical director says ‘in many cases germs are spread via touch so we can see that objects touched after people have used the toilet, but before they have washed their hands can be just as contaminated.’
The other interesting results were the levels of bacteria found on the less obvious objects and surfaces such as the floor, the wall and the underneath of the toilet. Dr Hastings explains ‘this is probably because people only tend to clean the areas they can see, and the areas where they expect the bugs to grow. Unfortunately bacteria and mould can be found everywhere and they will just keep multiplying. We know most rooms are full of germs and although they may not necessarily be harmful, the higher the count, the greater the risk of illness.’
The only object in the bathroom on which no traces of bacteria or mould were found was the soap dispenser incorporating BioCote antimicrobial technology.
“There’s more E. coli in a kitchen sink than in a toilet after you flush it. The sink is a great place for E. coli to live and grow since it’s wet and moist. Bacteria feed on the food that people put down the drain and what’s left on dishes in the sink. That’s probably why dogs drink out of the toilet—because there’s less E. coli in it,” says Dr. Germ.
DR. GERM’S ADVICE: “Clean the sink basin with a disinfectant product made for the kitchen. Vinegar and lemon juice can clean some bacteria, but they can’t clean really bad pathogens, so the Environmental Protection Agency doesn’t recommend using them as an alternative.”


Even if you clean the kitchen sink regularly with soap and water, the dampness, warmth and darkness of the sink drain makes this fixture the most contaminated part of the average home, according to microbiologist Charles Gerba of the University of Arizona. Ordinary soap and water won't kill dangerous pathogens, and cleaning with old sponges spreads the bacteria to whatever surfaces the sponge touches, including faucet handles and counter tops.


  • Salmonella, one of the major causes of food poisoning, often enters the kitchen on contaminated meat and poultry. From 31 to 41 percent of the chicken used in an English sanitation study in 2001 tested positive for salmonella, according to an article by Beth Layton in the Saint Martin's University Biology Journal. Poor sanitation practices easily spread the bacteria to fixtures, sinks and sink drains, where the salmonella bacteria multiplies.


  • Campylobacter -- found in dairy, meat and poultry products -- causes diarrhea and could kill young children, the elderly, or those weakened by chronic disease. Dirty sink drains provide good growing conditions for this common pathogen and common cleaning procedures could spread the bacteria rather than kill it. The best treatment for campylobacter and other pathogens involves frequent washing of fixtures and surfaces with a solution of 3 tbsp. chlorine bleach mixed in 1 quart of water, says Susan Ferraro of the New York Daily News.


  • Bathroom sinks host more E-coli and other fecal bacteria than the toilet seats, according to a University of Arizona study. Not all strains of E-coli cause serious illness, but some strains could cause severe or even fatal illness. The study showed that even though women's restrooms appear cleaner than men's restrooms, bathroom sinks in the women's facilities contained twice the bacterial count.

Staphylococcus Aureus

  • Staphylococcus Aureus causes skin infections and could cause more serious problems such as blood poisoning. Methycillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus or MRSA showed up on sinks, countertops and hand towels in a test study funded by HSPH-NIOSH Education and Research Center. Five families with pets and children young enough to wear diapers participated in the study, which the American Public Health Association says also revealed other pathogens including streptococci, enterococci and pseudomonas.

Saturday 4 April 2015

5th April 2015, Sunday, week 6th

hello people,,so we met again this week..
it was the end of week 6th means that we are done with our 1st test dilemma too,,hehehe
i do reward myself by go watching Fast and Furious 7..seriously it was really fascinating.
i also sleep for 13 hours straight on the next day. it was a tough semester after all..hahaha
for almost everyday since the 1st week, we just get 4 hours sleep per day..
all the assignments and the lab reports. what the hectic life kn,hahaha

lets make it simple n short. this week we have lectures on two topic which is

for microbial interaction topic, we do have to search for any related articles or videos regarding any interaction that we find interesting.we do upload it in the padlet..this activity is quite challenging actually, because we need to any find related article in short time and for student like me who does not have smartphone, it really tough to online except i have to bring my own laptop for every eco class,thank to my friend nur aqilah, she really nice for landing her phone to me.. later or soon i need to buy my own smartphone..

then we proceed our 2nd topic on the soil, This topic is actually part of SCL project which is flipclassroom, This topic was handle by group 4. They have prepared a nice and complete mind map for the whole classroom. Dr also give brief explanation about this topic. We also leave a comment for this presentation. I do love this activity because student feel free to share new tools that they find interesting.

click here to follow the full lesson.

This is the full mind map for topic soil

Friday 27 March 2015

28th March
assalamualaikum..mornng to was your day??

i just woke up this morning n got a message from my lecturer..
" thank you for sharing info on hydrosphere n need your reflection on this week activity"

sharing info on hydrosphere?? why so suddenly?? yesssss.......
i do update a lot of info regarding hydrosphere this week..even though we have not cover this topic yet. this is part of our activities for flippclassroom task.. we are going to share this info with other course mate as the preparation before entering the class.
im going to promote my own blog..oyeaaaahhhhhhh
there are lot more things we did for this task..but i cant show it now..secret??haha

so back to the topic, regarding to my reflective journal for this week..
we dont have class on Monday for this week.
basically, we have only two hours  eco-class this week

we do discuss about our big project for this semester which is POBL
on topic LIFE WITHOUT MICORBES.. the carry mark for this SCL is 20..
yes, it lots bcoz we going to make this really BIGGGGG..
i hope there will be great cooperation from all microbes students
we create all the AJKs for this event..all students have to get involve..

actually im really worried n nervous..
are we going to be okay??is this really okay??
this is though,,really though..
n it is not only about cooperation , it about time consuming.
we need to sacrifice a lot of time that actually we our-self  don't have
i just hope everyone get involve n finish it as soon as possible.
we do have a best team work  n let have faith with them..

then we proceed with our lecture on topic 5
is all about the interaction..
either mutualism, commensalim, cooperation n lot more
we have not finish this topic yet, n we are going to continue on this Monday
ohh yaa.. we are asked to find some related journal, videos or anything that related to the interaction in microorganism in the class before. they do share alot of infos.

Monday 23 March 2015

Lentic and Lotic Ecosystems

We all depend on water for our survival. Pennsylvania is home to thousands of kinds of organisms that depend on freshwater ecosystems for their survival, too. The freshwater aquatic biome contains both lentic ecosystems and lotic ecosystems.

Lentic Ecosystems: Standing Water

Some examples of lentic ecosystems are lakes, ponds, swamps, marshes, and vernal pools. Lentic ecosystems take many forms, from small, temporary pools to large lakes. Some lentic ecosystems are fresh water with low salt content, and others have a higher salt content (Example: The Great Salt Lake in Utah). Lentic ecosystems such as lakes can be formed by glaciers, volcanoes, and shifting of tectonic plates, and some are man-made. Some, such as vernal pools, are only temporary during a rainy or wet season. Lentic ecosystems have layers from top to bottom that support different organisms, depending on factors such as the amount of light and temperature. Algae and aquatic plants produce food for other organisms in the ecosystem. Many tiny invertebrates, called zooplankton, live in lentic waters. They feed on algae and plants and provide food for other organisms such as snails and insects like water striders. The kinds of fish and other vertebrates depends on many factors, such as the salt content, amount of light, and depth of the water. There are many species of lentic vertebrates, including salamanders, frogs, alligators, and many kinds of birds.

Lotic Ecosystems: Flowing Water

Examples of lotic ecosystems are rivers, streams, creeks, brooks, and springs. Pennsylvania has about 45,000 miles of flowing water. Lotic ecosystems can have many forms, from a tiny spring to a wide, rushing river. A spring is a place where water flows from underground to above ground. They do have some common characteristics. They always flow in one direction. They often begin in the mountains, formed by snowmelt and rain, and they flow downward over the land. They tend to last hundreds of thousands of years, but some smaller ecosystems such as creeks may dry up each year as the seasons change. The types of organisms that live in lotic ecosystems depend on how fast the water is flowing, the amount of light, and the temperature. Organisms in lotic systems must be adapted to handle the high oxygen content, which is caused by the flowing water. Lotic systems have a low salt content. Animals must be able to prevent excess water from building up in their bodies. Algae and plants provide energy for animals in lotic ecosystems. Many invertebrates, such as insects, snails, and crayfish, depend on the flowing water to bring them oxygen and nutrients. Fish that live in lotic ecosystems must be adapted to survive in flowing water. Many lotic systems connect to each other and form a path to the ocean (example: spring → stream → river → ocean), so some fish species spend part of their lives in freshwater and part in the ocean. Other vertebrates spend part of the time on land and part in the water, such as species of amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. Specific examples include: frogs, salamanders, snakes, turtles, beavers, and river otters.

Zonation of lake based on temperature:

-Epilimnion- warm & rich O2

-thermocline- rapid decrease of temp

-Hypolimnion- low temp, low O2, poor light penetration

Factors affecting growth of microorganisms in ponds and lakes
·       -   Temperature  (0-100⁰C)
·        -    pH
·        - Oxygen ( Limiting factor)
·       - Sunlight Penetration

·        -   Nutrients

Physical and Chemical Features

            Light and temperature are two key physical features of lakes and ponds. Light from the sun is absorbed, scattered, and reflected as it passes through Earth's atmosphere, the water's surface, and the water. The quantity and quality of light reaching the surface of a lake or pond depends on a variety of factors, including time of day, season, latitude, and weather. The quality and quantity of light passing through lake or pond water is affected by properties of the water, including the amount of particulates (such as algae) and the concentration of dissolved compounds. (For example, dissolved organic carbon controls how far ultraviolet wavelengths of light penetrate into the water.)

            Light and wind combine to affect water temperature in lakes and ponds. Most lakes undergo a process called thermal stratification, which creates three distinct zones of water temperature. In summer, the water in the shallowest layer (called the epilimnion) is warm, whereas the water in the deepest layer (called the hypolimnion) is cold. The middle layer, the metalimnion, is a region of rapid temperature change. In winter, the pattern of thermal stratification is reversed such that the epilimnion is colder than the hypolimnion. In many lakes, thermal stratification breaks down each fall and spring when rapidly changing air temperatures and wind cause mixing. However, not all lakes follow this general pattern. Some lakes mix only once a year and others mix continuously.

Habitats and Diversity

            Lakes and ponds are characterized by three main habitats: the pelagic zone, the littoral zone, and the benthic zone. The pelagic zone is the open water area of lakes and ponds. In large lakes, the pelagic zone makes up most of the lake's volume. The littoral zone is the inshore area where light penetrates to the bottom. This zone often contains large, rooted plants called macrophytes. The areas of the lake or pond bottom that are not part of the littoral zone are referred to as the benthic zone. This zone contains fine sediment that is free of plant life because light levels are too low to support plant growth.

               Lakes and ponds typically contain a diversity of organisms that perform different ecological functions. Many of the organisms in lakes and ponds are quite small and can only be seen with a microscope. Plankton are microscopic aquatic organisms, including bacteria, algae, and zooplankton, that have little or no means of locomotion. In addition, there are many larger vertebrate animals that inhabit lakes and ponds, including fish and amphibians. Other organisms that use lakes and ponds for some activities include birds such as ducks, mammals such as beavers, and reptiles such as snakes.

                 Larger lakes can support as many as four or five different trophic levels, or groups of organisms that get energy in the same way. For instance, the major trophic levels in the pelagic zone, or open water areas, are phytoplankton , zooplankton, planktivorous (plankton-eating) fish, and piscivorous (fish-eating) fish. Microbes such as bacteria and protists are also important in lakes and ponds due to their role in decomposition and nutrient recycling. The food web in the pelagic zone is connected to the inshore food web because many mobile organisms from the pelagic zone (especially fish) use the inshore areas for shelter and food.

Read more:

Read more:
Lentic and Lotic Ecosystems

We all depend on water for our survival. Pennsylvania is home to thousands of kinds of organisms that depend on freshwater ecosystems for their survival, too. The freshwater aquatic biome contains both lentic ecosystems and lotic ecosystems.

Lentic Ecosystems: Standing Water

Some examples of lentic ecosystems are lakes, ponds, swamps, marshes, and vernal pools. Lentic ecosystems take many forms, from small, temporary pools to large lakes. Some lentic ecosystems are fresh water with low salt content, and others have a higher salt content (Example: The Great Salt Lake in Utah). Lentic ecosystems such as lakes can be formed by glaciers, volcanoes, and shifting of tectonic plates, and some are man-made. Some, such as vernal pools, are only temporary during a rainy or wet season. Lentic ecosystems have layers from top to bottom that support different organisms, depending on factors such as the amount of light and temperature. Algae and aquatic plants produce food for other organisms in the ecosystem. Many tiny invertebrates, called zooplankton, live in lentic waters. They feed on algae and plants and provide food for other organisms such as snails and insects like water striders. The kinds of fish and other vertebrates depends on many factors, such as the salt content, amount of light, and depth of the water. There are many species of lentic vertebrates, including salamanders, frogs, alligators, and many kinds of birds.

Lotic Ecosystems: Flowing Water

Examples of lotic ecosystems are rivers, streams, creeks, brooks, and springs. Pennsylvania has about 45,000 miles of flowing water. Lotic ecosystems can have many forms, from a tiny spring to a wide, rushing river. A spring is a place where water flows from underground to above ground. They do have some common characteristics. They always flow in one direction. They often begin in the mountains, formed by snowmelt and rain, and they flow downward over the land. They tend to last hundreds of thousands of years, but some smaller ecosystems such as creeks may dry up each year as the seasons change. The types of organisms that live in lotic ecosystems depend on how fast the water is flowing, the amount of light, and the temperature. Organisms in lotic systems must be adapted to handle the high oxygen content, which is caused by the flowing water. Lotic systems have a low salt content. Animals must be able to prevent excess water from building up in their bodies. Algae and plants provide energy for animals in lotic ecosystems. Many invertebrates, such as insects, snails, and crayfish, depend on the flowing water to bring them oxygen and nutrients. Fish that live in lotic ecosystems must be adapted to survive in flowing water. Many lotic systems connect to each other and form a path to the ocean (example: spring → stream → river → ocean), so some fish species spend part of their lives in freshwater and part in the ocean. Other vertebrates spend part of the time on land and part in the water, such as species of amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. Specific examples include: frogs, salamanders, snakes, turtles, beavers, and river otters.

Thursday 19 March 2015

20th March 2015
week 4

I'm nearly forgot to update my blog this week. I guess maybe coz Im too tired with all the lab reports and first test is just around the corner..huhuhu

so basically what have we done this week??on Monday we only have lecture on topic 4, DISTRIBUTION OF MICROORGANISM . It quit rushing day, we need to finish the lectures faster because it going to come out in our first test this Thursday. We do some crossword as assignment and we submit the picture to the edmodo.

crossword on nutrition topic

apart than that, we do quick revision on the topics that going to come out in the first test. This first test carry mark is only 10 but its going to cover all four topics that we have studied. everyone was very nervous and seriously the questions is quit challenging. this is our second time to have Dr Wan as our lecturer. Last time Dr question was like simple one but yesterday most of us got shocked with those kind of question.hihihi.. let bygone, bygone right,,hhehhe

I think that all for this week. Till we meet again, byee

Thursday 12 March 2015

13th March 2015, friday

we have replacement class today. 8-10 am.. Kesimpulannya,,, we make a new record this time, we have 5days straight morning class this week.. hahaha. Sabar jelaa.. hehe

Okew we continue with lectures on Microbial Group. Other than that we need to upload quizlet test that we did on Metabolism and Nutrition topic in the lms and also Blandspace so that everyone can share it.

This is the example of my quizlet test question.
click here to see other quizlet too..

after finish with Microbial Group topic, we proceed with new topic, METABOLISM AND NUTRITION. just a quick review actually. I realized that we have lack of deep thinking.. DEEP THINKING?? i do felt down sometime bcoz of this, yeahh Dr was right, in order to know about a lot of things we need to be more curious.. CURIOSITY?? That word again..huhu.. most of us did score well bcoz we really focus on note and exam but if we were ask about something out from the note,, thennnnnn..hahaaaa we lost...really really lost. macam mana tue??
12th march 2015


huhuhu,,today we supposed to have 4 hours ecology class but due to no empty class, we finish early.
wowww..interesting day..
firstly we try to connect to biotech wifi and it was really tough. everyone hve to accesss internet at the same time,, memang xbole la kan, thnk u for both technician, bro and sister. they spend about two hours just to fix thing out. then finally we all get access,,oyeahhh

KAHOOOTTTTT.. wow,,that really interesting tool. we were ask to do some quizzes online.. DR.... it was really fun and exciting. no pressure at all. At first everyone was like.. what is this??? suddenly TIME got timer.. ten to twenty seconds only. it simple but we need to stay focus..

Aaahh i just got too excited till forget to share bout the lecture right,okehh.. so we continue with microbial group lecture. we just go through certain part that hard to understand because basically we already discussed on this topic during first semester. 


yess, one more thing we also do quizlet. we have to find 50 terms that related to NUTRITION AND METABOLISM topic and define it. This time we are allow to refer notes. We save it as share so that other can open and take a look at our terms also.

Do take a look on my terms

Wednesday 11 March 2015

im my 3rd weeks of lectures..huhhh..fuuhhh.. it was really tiring. "Uni life" kan.. can't do nothing. lets just face it. :)


Before entering ecology class on monday we were ask to read first on microbial group topic and do summarize it in simple way and upload those mind map in lms. However, instead of doing  mind map, most of us did search for video related to the topic in youtube. It much more easier and really fascinating too. They did found a really interesting video and share it with the rest of class members through blendspace. I think it was a good idea to upload those mind map and video bcoz we can share a lot of info and i do upload some note from other friends. seriously they really did a good job. They do include a lot of information. Im really curious about their curiosity okay,,hahaha
As you can see, it my mind map and note.
We do share it in blendspace.

then in the class we were ask to summarized our understanding and memorizing into another mind map but for a group work. This time we use popplet tool. No one can refer to the note, so it quite challenging actually. We divide evenly so that everyone each part of the topic. Once again we upload those mind map group at Blendspace, so we can refer to any other groups mind map too. Sharing is caring kan..

                                                            click here to clear image

See, every group submit their mind map in Blendspace. click here

Like always, we need to prepare first before entering the class on Thursday. The topic that we are going to discuss tomorrow is microbial nutrition and metabolism. I heard that this will come out during our first test. I hope that metabolism part not going to come out this time coz it really  need a lot of reading and memorizing,hehehe.. we might be ask to do quizlet during the class tomorrow. Most of my friends do sleep late tonight. It already near to 1.00 am but they still focus. tomorrow will be individual task and everyone was worried what going to happen tomorrow. And im'ma here update my blog.. cannot digest any note dah,,hahaha..okew night everyone. sleep tight. tomorrow 4 hour class straight okeyy..bubyee

Wednesday 4 March 2015


1'st & 2nd WEEK:

         The first topic of this course is basically bout introduction to ecology, definition of word E.C.O.L.O.G.Y. the principle behind it, all the hierarchy and all factors that effects the distribution of organism in our ecosystem.

         For your information, my lecturer for this class is someone that so energetic and she really expert in all this new technologies, new software and latest learning tools that will make the lecture and class become more interesting and fun.

        The first thing that we have to do in our first class was to find an article that we find might be related to the Principle of microbial ecology. At first everyone were so confuse, seriously because no one is prepare for this, we not even know what ecology is all about. First assignment on the first day of the class but thank God, Dr. gave us a few days to fulfill this task. After upload it in Edmodo we need to read comment on other articles too. Everyone got nervous bcoz they not sure either they gave the right article or not. Me, myself have to read a lot of articles just to find the suitable one. Alhamdulillah after two days of searching I finally get something to share.
This is my first article that I found related to my task.
                                CLICK HERE TO VIEW FULL TEXT

My comment regarding to friend article.

          On the following week, we sat in our group to find the most interesting article that had been uploaded and list out the principles to the Padlet. Each group gave short briefing about their article and Dr. gave comment for each group. It was a good exercising actually. This bcoz instead of find and article we learn how to suck out all the important points. Even though we have been expose to a lot of articles before this but we are still having problem to understand certain texts.
We choose the article that we find interesting and suck all important points regarding to the principle of ecology.

       Basically, it quite though task for us, but I sure everyone had give their 110% effort. so GOOD JOB GUYS..on the last lecture of this topic, we were ask to summarize the topic by group. Once again we use Padlet. Honestly, I think this is the best part of all of the activities. I don't why but I love to sit together and try to recall back what we have learn for this 2 previous week without even try to look at any notes or try to Google it. It help us to analyse about our understanding and knowledge. I love to do this kind of activity in the next topic too. Tq Dr.

As u can see, this our summarize.
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