Saturday 25 April 2015

26th April 2015.. week 8th

hye guys, we meet again after mid-sem break,,
it such a great holidays for me, being home is the best moments after all,,hehee

okay we don't have class on Monday, we do replaced it last time.
we only have class on Thursday and Friday,,

on Wednesday night, we do some revision for topic atmospheric habitat 
before entering class on the next day. Group 7 who did flip-classroom on this topic
have done a really great presentation for us. they provide video via youtube
by using powertoon tools. that was really great, it simple yet we do understand each 
point that the want to delivered. they provide a mind map and some quizzes,
seriously they deserve a big applause for their great efforts. on Thursday we do some
revision regarding this topic with Dr wan

                                                                          the quizzes 

                                                                       the mindmap

then on Friday, we proceed with another topic which is human microbes
some goes with topic, we do studied and revised on this topic before entering the next class
Group Siva did great jobs in their presentation, they include everything, video on youtube, 
mind map in popplet, then some online quizzes. They also provide AR on this 
human microbiome topic. it really helpful for better understanding.
                                                                  video on you tube

click here to answer the quizzes

we submit the quizzes in LMS

Then last but not least, about our thinglink.
i do love this activity, because it not required too much time to do it.
we can freely choose any habitat or place that we find out interesting
and i choose OUR HOME SINKS.. WHY??
 ya, it rare but sink is one of the most important part in our home,
we do clean and wash our hand regularly in sink, 
so i love to share what is actually present in those sink
do visit my thinglink site to find put more,
that all for this week..thank you

                                         microbes that might present in our home sinks

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