Wednesday 30 November 2016

Assalamualaikum and hey everyone.

Today I'm gonna write a reflection on Pecha Kucha presentation. Firstly, it was a good idea because this assignment introduce and exposed us to another different kind of presentation that really challenging and require a lot of effort. Having a supervisor that guide us was really helpful as my supervisor for pecha kucha, Dr Asilah give a lot of idea to my presentation. Pecha kucha presentation should be repeated in future for juniors, let them experience it, the struggle is real but it was a good at the end.. it exposed us to current topic in Microbiology field.

The idea was not that bad but maybe because it was a new format of presentation. We have to stick to the time limit, slides keep moving on even do we have not done talking about it so everyone had no choice, we have to memorize the script. it require a lot of effort and time and energy and brain to digest all the new information. In my opinion, the format is quite strict, time limit and numbers of slides has stop us(restrict) to become more creative, the only things in our mind is, we need to talk,just talk until all slides played.

however, it's good experience.

In addition to proposal presentation. Everything was good. Alhamdulillah. It does helpful in outlining my focus for my fyp. Im doing something that new, which is biosensor. it really interesting. Proposal presentation is one of the platform that help us to understand our project better.

That all. Thank you 

Monday 28 November 2016

Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone.

I haven't write for quite long, right? Now I am back to give a reflection on another program that involved all batch of microbiology students of UPM, starting from first year until final year. The program called as Virtual Microbes. Basically it was a program that not related at all with any subject for us, final year students. We act as a guiders or facilitator for another student from another university like UMT and UITM.

           There are 9 of us in a group (3 UMT, 3UITM, 3UPM). Theoretically, we never met and we only discussing about all the tasks through online tools such as video meeting (zoom) and through whatapps group.  From positive site, it was good actually to enhance student to learn in creative way and the same time we as facilitator can share our knowledge about this tools with them. Of course we actually push them to think and work out of their comfort zone. 

             However, for final year students who already busy with final year project, we struggled enough to deal with this program. As we know, all the discussions is through online (need to record) thus force us to stay back at faculty till magrib to get the WiFi connection and we actually have to follow their timetable that vary for each university. This activity was good in the first place but due to too many tasks and unclear instructions maybe, most of them getting confuse. This happen quite often and it really interrupting. In future, if this program still be continued maybe all the tasks and descriptions should be play through videos so that they can easily refer to it. This program is better to be conducted by 1st year student till 3rd year student because most of them still not tied with any lab works. I just hope we have more time to focus on our final year project. That all thank you.