Sunday 22 November 2015


On 19-20th November 2015, from Thursday to Friday, we Microbiology's students from UPM has held an event which was Awesome Microbes Carnival (AMC) at Panggung Percubaan UPM. Basically this event was the first big event that our faculty has ever organised, so a bunch of congratulation to all the microbes communities members, all students from first till final year, all lecturers especially Dr Wan and also staffs. I could never expect that event going to run that smoothly. all the activities were so exciting and enjoyable. The flow of the event was organised smoothly, a lots of thank to our seniors. they do spend a lot of time to prepare for this event. tq seniors.

For us, 3rd year students we were ask to be the AJK's of this events and we also need to open a food booth to promote a food product that related with microbes. Actually final year students also need to sell their food products. Throughout this event, the only thing that i realize is that, how much is our seniors were actually had sacrifice their time and energy to make this event run smoothly. Dr Wan can you please say thank you so much on behalf of us. 



huhuhuhu.. and for the juniors. there are lots of things to be discuss. it not like a bias but i do think that our bonding as one big family is still not that strong. the main reason that I brought about this point is that, from what we see they only care about their tasks only. However they did a great job on the second day even though they simply going back to the college while us busying clean the hall.. hehehe.. nampak tak marahnya kat situ, takpelah it was their first time kan :)

overall, the event was run smoothly Dr Wan. The most important thing is that all of us enjoyed.
We do realized, this event is actually give others information about what is microbes and how they actually involve in our daily life. In class, of course we have all this sort of SCL and assignments, but this event allows us to share with public about what we already know. one thing that make me proud is that, they happy and they appreciate it. Selalu kita  present dalam kelas orang akan tanya soalan susah2 and kite rase down bile xdapat jawab, tapi bila jumpa  orang kat luar camni kite share info yang simple2 je, pasal ebole virus, pasal rabies, pasal how to apply good hygiene and they were like, wow genius nye akak2 ang abg2 nie,hahahaha..okew that all for today.. tq dr wan.

sorry Dr Wan, my reflecitve journal guna bahasa rojak sangat kali ni, but this is how i feel. excited and proud with my family :) :) :)